How can we survive Christmas and New Year whilst still enjoying ourselves, without putting on weight and still looking & feeling great?
Here is an early Christmas present from the Academy 4 Wellbeing to help YOU do just that.
It always really frustrates me that we work so hard to get in shape ALL year, then Christmas arrives and we let all that hard work go to waste or should I say waist? Starting back in January with our New Year Health, Fitness & Wellbeing resolutions is then so much harder than it has to be?
That’s why this year The Academy 4 Wellbeing would like to give you ALL an early Christmas present to get you looking great for the Christmas party season and then MAINTAING this over Christmas and into the New Year! The average person in the UK will gain Half a Stone over Christmas (British Diatetic Association).
Bearing this in mind, MAINTAINING your new improved Body fat % and Leaner Muscle content through the Christmas period is like losing 7 lbs of body fat in the New Year and a hell of a lot easier to do.